
Check back often to see what's going on with us.

a man developing plans on paper

A Fresh Look

May 8, 2023

It has been a little while since my last blog post. I have been really busy with school and developing content for my classes. I have added my recent school project to our Projects page. Since classes have ended I have been busy revamping the official website. In case you were wondering, this is the offical website. I have also posted the previous version on our Projects page so that you can compare it to the new version. I am very excited for what the future of SurfTurkey will come to be now that I am honing my skills with CSS and Javascript. You'll notice more styling and interactive components being added to the new version of the website. I hope you enjoy!

— Trey Coggins
a php elephant mascot stuffie on a laptop computer

Reach out to us!

January 30, 2023

Today I spent a little bit of time getting familiar with PHP, a server-side scripting language, and developed a contact form so that all of you lovely people on the Internet can reach out to us via the contact form on our website! Please visit the Contact Us page to get more information about, to request a consultation for our services, or simply to strike up a conversation. Submitting information to the contact form will forward your information by email and we will reach out soon. I look forward to making your acquaintance!

— Trey Coggins
laptop computer with hands pointing at it

Stepping Out

January 23, 2023

For myself, developing in tech has always been a lifelong desire. Developing and creating content for the Internet has intrigued me since I was a young person. Another lifelong passion of mine has been service. Providing a service that is useful to someone else has been my mission in my working life since day one. I started out my working experiences in the service industry and have always cleaved closely to opportunities to provide for others. Whether it be in a restaurant, a store, a volunteer effort, or troubleshooting technical issues at my day job - being a dependable source of help has been my directive. But what about creating content? Where did that desire go missing in my life path? For a variety of reasons my focus on developing content for the Internet was not realized.
It wasn't until I decided to make a new path for myself in 2021, after meeting my soon-to-be wife and being inspired to return to school and finish my degree in tech, that I reignited my passion for developing content for 'the web'. Marrying my passion for tech and my desire to provide a useable service, I stepped out on my own path. I am putting forth my efforts to bring local businesses into the modern era of business. In a world where nearly everyone is constantly connected to outside sources of information it is crucial now more than ever for companies to invest in getting recognized, and producing a viable product for their brand. We at SurfTurkey have decided to make it our utmost goal to develop content for the businesses that would benefit from the services that we will deliver.

— Trey Coggins